'Nol cwmpo ym Mharadwys pwy all'sai gadw dyn?

'Nol cwmpo ym Mharadwys,
    pwy all'sai gadw dyn?
Syrthiasom oll yn Adda
    i bechod bob yr un;
  Nid gwaed yr holl gre'duriaid
      ollyngwyd ar y llawr,
  Fyth fyth a dal'sai ein dyled,
      ond gwaed y Iesu mawr.

Nid yw gair Duw yn un-man
    yn canmol haeddiant dyn,
Ein budron gyfiawnderau
    sydd frattiau bob ur un:
  Ein haeddiant oll wrth natur
      oedd bod yn fawr a mân,
  Tros oesoedd trag'wyddoldeb
      yn poeni'n uffern dân.

Beth yw pob dyn ond gwagedd,
    ďe ar y goreu i gyd?
A dderfydd fel glaswelltyn
    mewn awr ei degwch bryd,
  O'r pridd y ca'dd ei ddechrau,
      i'r pridd yn fuan â,
  Y cyfoeth sydd i bara,
      cyfiawnder Iesu da.

Nid oes un dyn yn haeddu
    trugaredd ar law Duw,
Ni bu ef yn ddyledwr
    i neb o ddynolryw;
  Ac er ei fod yn meddu
      cre'duriaid rif y gwlith,
  Ni bydd ef yn ddyledwr
      i un o honynt byth.

'All burgyn aflan haeddu
    trugaredd ar law Duw,
Na ddichon ddim ond pechu
    tra byddo yma'n byw?
  Y dommen lawn o nadroedd,
      O f'enaid, gwel yn awr,
  Mai'r unig beth a'th gadwodd
      oedd angeu Iesu mawr.

Duw bia'r trugareddau
    a roddwyd yma i ddyn,
Gwaed calon Iesu cyfiawn
    a'i prynodd bob yr un,
  Yn rhad mae dyn yn derbyn
      y cwbl tan y rhod;
  O'r cariad mawr y tarddodd
      cyn creu y byd erio'd.

Cyn creu nef a daear,
    yr haul a'r lleuad wen,
Na bod i un creadur
    a greuwyd tan y nen;
  Cyn gwneuthur un elusen
      na neb o ddynolryw,
  Diddechreu a diddiwedd
      gwn yw tragaredd Duw.

Nid oes na rhanna chyfran
    o iechydwriaeth dyn,
Yn y cyfammod newydd
    yn sefyll arno ei hun;
  O ystlys y Messia
      y tardda'r ffynnon hyn,
  A olcha ein heneidiau
      yn hardd fel eira gwyn.

Pe rho'wn fy nghorph i'w losgi
    yn ulw yn y tân,
A'm holl da i borthi'r tlodion
    o'm deutu fawr a mân,
  A meddu cyfiawnderau
      rifedi gwlith y wawr,
  Dim wedi'n all fy nghadw
      ond haeddiant Iesu mawr.

'Nghrist yn ganmoladwy
    mae pob rhyw weithred dda,
Holl gyfoeth dyn ei hunan
    yw calon lawn o bla;
  Heb 'wyllys ac heb allu
      i wneuthur da'n ddible,
  Y trysor dâl ei ganmol,
      cyfiawnder Brenin ne'.

Efe yw'r un a roddodd
    foddlondeb llawn i'r Tad,
Efe sy'n cynnyg heddwch
    tragywydd i ni'n rhad:
  Efe sy'n rhannu a dewis,
      darfydded son am ddyn,
  Neb teilwng o'r gogoniant
      ond Iesu mawr ei hun.

Wele dyma yn sy'n maddeu
    pechodau rif y gwlith,
'Does mesur ar ei gariad
    na therfyn iddo byth;
  Mae'n ymofyn lle i dosturio
      yn hoffi trugarhau,
  Trugaredd i'r ymddifaid
      sydd yntho i barhau.

Y neb sy' a Iesu ganddo,
    efe yw'r Bywyd mawr,
Ni haeddodd dyn er Adda
    ond uffern hyd yn awr;
  'Does enw tan y nefoedd
      ond Iesu Grist ei hun,
  Ie neb ond ef yn unig
      all gadw enaid dyn.

Efe dywalltodd trosof
    ei waed rhwng dae'r a ne',
'Chais f'enaid archolledig
    un meddyg ond efe;
  Fy unig ble a'm bywyd
      yw gwaed f'Anwylyd gwyn,
  A redodd fel yr afon
      ar ben Calfaria fryn.

Achubodd lu o ddynion
    colledig o fy mla'n,
Sy'n y breswylfa lonydd
    yn gwel'd ei wyneb glân:
  Fe ddarfu eu gwaith rhyfela,
      ni chlwyfa gelyn mwy,
  Gwyn fyd f'ai 'nhrag'wyddoldeb
      yn moli gydâ hwy.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo 1764


  O dyred/tyred Iôr tragwyddol
  Trugaredd drefnodd Geidwad
  Wel dyma'r Un sy'n maddeu

After falling in Paradise,
    who could save man?
We all fell in Adam
    to sin every one;
  Not the blood of all the creatures
      shed on the ground,
  Could ever ever pay our debt,
      but the blood of great Jesus.

The word of God is not anywhere
    praising the merit of man,
Our filthy righteousnesses
    are tatters every one:
  All our merit by nature
      was being great and small,
  Across ages of eternity
      paining in hell fire.

What is every man but vanity,
    yes, at the best altogether?
Which will vanish like a blade of grass
    in an our of his fairness of time,
  From the soil it got its beginning,
      to the soil soon it will go,
  The wealth which is to endure,
      the righteousness of good Jesus.

There is no man deserving
    mercy at the hand of God,
He was not a debtor
    to anyone of humankind;
  And though he be possessing
      creatures numerous as the dew,
  He will not be a debtor
      to any one of them.

Can an unclean rascal deserve
    mercy at the hand of God,
Who can do nothing but sin
    while ever here living?
  The heap full of adders,
      O my soul, see now,
  That the only thing that saved thee
      was the death of great Jesus.

To God belongs mercies
    which were given here to man,
The blood of the heart of righteous Jesus
    redeemed him every one,
  Freely man is receiving
      the whole under the sky;
  From the great love it issued
      before ever creating the world.

Before creating heaven and earth,
    the sun and the white moon,
Or there be any creature
    made under the sky;
  Before the doing of any charity
      by anyone of humankind,
  Without beginning or ending
      I know is the mercy of God.

There is no sharing a portion
    of the salvation of man,
In the new covenant
    standing upon him himself;
  From the side of the Messiah
      springs this fount,
  Which washes our souls
      beautiful like white snow.

If I gave my body to be burned
    to ashes in the fire,
And all my goods to feed the poor
    about me great and small,
  And possess righteousnesses
      numerous as the dew of the dawn,
  Nothing then can keep me
      but the the merit of great Jesus.

Christ praiseworthy
    every kind of action is good,
The whole wealth of man himself
    is a heart full of plague;
  Without a will and without power
      to do good anywhere,
  The treasure keeps being praised,
      the righteousness of heaven's King.

He is the one who gave
    full faithfulness to the Father,
He who is offering eternal
    peace to us freely:
  He who is dividing and choosing,
       let mention of man cease,
  No-one worthy of the glory
       but great Jesus himself.

See here is one who is forgiving
    sins as numerous as the dew,
There is no measure to his love
    nor end to it ever;
  It is asking for a place to show mercy
      loving to be merciful,
  Mercy to the defenceless
      which is in him to endure.

To anyone who has Jesus,
    he is the great Life,
Man has deserved nothing since Adam
    but hell until now;
  There is no name under heaven
      but Jesus Christ himself,
  Yes, no-one but him alone
      can keep the soul of man.

He poured out for me
    his blood between earth and heaven,
My lost soul seeks not
    one physician but him;
  My only place and my life
      is the blood of my white Beloved,
  Which ran like the river
      on the summit of Calvary hill.

He saved a host of lost
    men before me,
Who are in the cheerful residence
    seeing his holy face:
  Their war work ceased, they will not
      wound an enemy any more,
  Blessed will be my eternity
      praising with them.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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